In these times of necessary confinement, let's go digital!

To all the Curators & Art Lovers our there!
We hope you are all doing safe.
In these times of uncertainty & necessary confinement, we are here to listen to you!⠀
As you know, Art Curator Grid's mission is to broadcast your work, help you in your researches and connect you with the art world everywhere. ⠀
These past days, having witnessed so many art related events being cancelled or postponed and our cultural spaces shutting their doors to prevent a Covid-19 outbreak, we’ve been reflecting on our role as an online art platform. ⠀
While so many places have to remain locked to the public, how can we help?⠀
That’s why we’ve decided to start an online tea time experience for all of you willing to get in touch and talk about your work, join us and let's discuss ideas, explore your work possibilities together.⠀
Curators of the world, let’s get together: the floor is now yours.⠀
What are you working on? How do you get organised? Do you need connections? ⠀
We are here to listen & spread the word! ⠀
Each week day at 5PM (UTC TIME- London) join our Hangouts Meet with anyone willing to discuss art and exhibition projects for one hour!⠀
It’s free and it’s open to everyone.⠀
We can’t wait to chat with you and hear about your stories.⠀
Follow the link by clicking here.
Let's talk soon!
With our best wishes,⠀
Art Curator Grid Team⠀