My Best Art Day, curated by Regine Basha

My Best Art Day
A Virtual Exhibition Curated by Regine Basha
Exclusively on View on
From April 23 to May 6, 2020
On March 22nd, New York City announced a stay at home order to combat the Coronavirus pandemic, forcing businesses and galleries throughout the city to close their doors. My Best Art Day takes a look at the shows that preceded the sudden closures and takes us back to a simpler time, from Chelsea First Thursdays to gallery hopping in the Lower East Side and a Saturday morning trek to Red Hook. For this show, Basha takes viewers on a virtual tour of work from a range of galleries and institutions including: The Whitney Museum, Jane Lombard Gallery and Pioneer Works, breathing new life into shows that closed or never opened to the public.
On My Best Art Day, Basha says, “ is hard to fathom the future at the moment, this pause allows us to at least imagine it...Sometimes the past can help carry us forward like seeds that were planted. At this time, and for this online 'show', I have no thematic to draw upon, but only signals, flashbacks and resonances that have haunted me from the recent past and that I'd like to re-plant here...”.

The challenges COVID-19 has presented has launched a new era for the art world. If art programming before COVID-19 was designed for an in-person and on-site experience, how can we now create new types of virtual exhibitions that maintain quality amidst innovation? On the Grid aims to answer this question by encouraging curators from our network to rethink and reimagine the way they present art to the world without limitations on space or time.
This time of social distancing presents challenges and changes that will affect the way we view and understand art long after this pandemic is over, and while we cannot experience art in-person just yet, collaboration, ingenuity and creativity can continue on. On the Grid provides a digital space where curators, artists and creatives can remotely discover new art and exchange ideas until we are together again.
In conjunction with the exhibition, we will be hosting a live Q&A with Regine Basha and Art Curator Grid founder and director, Pauline Foessel, on Thursday, April 30 at 6pm-BST (London Time) on Art Curator Grid Instagram (@artcuratorgrid).

My Best Art Day includes works from the following exhibitions:
Agnes Denes: Absolutes and Intermediates
Curated by Emma Enderby
Oct 9, 2019 — Mar 12, 2020 (original dates)
The Shed, New York
Nate Lewis: Latent Tapestries
March 1 – May 31, 2020
Fridman Gallery, New York
Agnes Pelton: Desert Transcendentalist
Curated by Gilbert Vicario (of Phoenix Art Museum)
Postponed: Dates to be announced
The Whitney Museum, New York
Michael Rakowitz: The invisible enemy should not exist
Jan 9th — Feb 22, 2020
Jane Lombard Gallery, New York
Cauleen Smith: Mutualities
Curated by Chrissie Iles
Postponed: Dates to be announced
The Whitney Museum, New York
Curtis Talwst Santiago: Can’t I Alter
Curated by Claire Gilman
Feb 20 — May 10, 2020
The Drawing Center, New York
Jaimie Warren: THE MIRACLE
Curated by Gabriel Florenz
Feb 21, 2020 — EXTENDED
Pioneer Works, New York
We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all of the teams involved in these projects for contributing to this online adventure.
My Best Art Day
A Virtual Exhibition Curated by Regine Basha
Exclusively on View on the Art Curator Grid platform
From April 23 to May 6, 2020